Tuesday, August 16, 2011

La primera semana! well some pictures...

 I have a whole entry written, but due to compatibility issues it will have to wait another day or two.  But for now some pictures of this bustling metropolis of El Sauce:
 It really is a beautiful setting with cobble-like streets, terracotta style roofing, well populated streets all surrounded by lush and green mountains/hills.  As with so much of lationamerica the pedi-cab is hugely popular!  And when it´s this hot why not?

 The nice yellow church - big and airy.  I even went to Mass!  Although I chose not to go to the 6am service...
 Went to drop in on the Hotel Blanco, a favorite of Dr. Matlins, to say hello and chat and what did I find?  Not only a group of Canadians but a Canadian named Ronan!  And the even bigger kicker - his sister´s name is Fiona!  Absolutely wild.  And his parents aren´t even Irish...
 El Sauce is definitely Sandinista to the core.  The house portrait is on the building across the street from my house.  Things are going to get exciting with the election coming up in November.  The whole things will kick off this coming Sunday...get excited!
And some pictures of where I am living minus the outside- those will have to come later.
 The patio where we spend alot of time in the rocking chairs seen in the background.  Would be even better if there were no mosquitos...
 My lovely room.  The fan is going to be clutch!
The ´´shower´´ and the kitchen which are conveniently located side by side.  I say convenient because we often have to fill the bidon- the big bucket- with water from the sink in order to get clean.  El Sauce has this issue that when there´s no luz, there´s no water.  And unfortunately this happens quite often.  Although given the power of the water stream from the shower head(pipe) I almost like the bucket more...

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